Kualoa Secret Beach Engagements

Im so excited to share these Kualoa Secret Beach Engagements on the blog today!

I got to meet the cutest couple from out of town and take some engagements of them and loved it. They were visiting Oahu with some of their friends and wanted to get some engagements done. They were interested in Secret Beach and were down for the sunrise adventure. We started off by meeting at 7am and walking over to this perfect beach for sunrise. The beach was completely empty and we had it all to ourselves. They were so down for anything so we started off by running down the beach together and getting some shot like that. We then started off by getting some more of them wrapped up in each others arms and sitting on the beach. We were then planning on going to the ramp but they loved the mountains with the field from where we drove up from. We jumped back into our cars and drove down the beach. We found the stunning backdrop and started taking pictures. The sun had come out and was shinning so nice on the whole backdrop. The whole photoshoot we were the only ones there and that Is why sunrise is one of my favorite times to take photos. Not only was having no one else around but having the beautiful lighting too was everything. I was so glad how easy and fun this photoshoot had been and loved being able to edit it.

To see more family sessions like this Kualoa Secret Beach Engagements  , click here!

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Let's connect

Let's get together soon and talk about how we can capture your special moments. Have a wonderful day and we'll talk soon! Mahalo