Ka’ena Point Family Photos

Im so excited to share these Ka’ena Point Family Photos on the blog today!

Taking these Ka’ena Point Family photos for Kuu and Toti was so fun to capture and edit. I had such a great time with them and their cute boy the whole time. We first started at a beach down at Ka’ena point to take some photos before the sunset went down. We had the prettiest light peaking right behind the mountain behind them and so we quickly snapped some photos on the beach. We grabbed some photos of them on the beach sitting and then some walking with their little one just learning to walk. We then drove to the end of the point to take some photos there. There was a really cool trail down on the side of the road that we wanted to take a couples photos at. There was then a really cool cove that we could see that we wanted to take photos at so we did some there and those turned out to be some of my favorite ones. The last thing they wanted to do was take some with their truck and matching outfits. I looooved how we got to do these because it shows the real them and something they were really looking forward too. This was a super fun photoshoot and I’m glad we got a lot of variety for them.

To see more Family sessions like this Ka’ena Point Family Photos, click here!

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Let's get together soon and talk about how we can capture your special moments. Have a wonderful day and we'll talk soon! Mahalo